To Maintain Work Life Balance Banish Negative Self Talk

To maintain balance in personal and professional life there should be focus on work life balance. It is a broad concept which revolves around work, personal relationships and self care. If any of the three are off kilter, the professional’s world falls apart. This three points stand as life triangle like we have love triangle.

Self care involves spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional health care of an individual, while work involves taking care of career and professional growth. Relationships involve family and the emotional well being of an individual.
To unwind after a hard day, you could go for a walk, spend time in nature, call a friend, or take a relaxing bath. Rather than realising that you have a stressful life, come back with a positive response, I can do better in life.

Self Talk

Self talk is the internal dialogue that is kept up by our mind every waking hour of your life. It influences your mood, emotions, and behavior everyday. If you pay attention to your self talk, you can teach yourself to react more positively to life as a whole and learn to be your own best friend. Because you create your life as you think about it.

Channelize your self talk with rationality to arrange your thoughts positively, logically, and systematically. Make short term plans to achieve long term goals. With right thought process for your self talk, you can condition yourself to success.

Extensive repetition gives the right outcome

Give positive affirmations, set goals and give yourself constant appraisals to see how far you have progressed on your goals. Negative self talk is destructive. Identify what you can change about it, check yourself and get busy investing your time in something positive. Follow a healthy lifestyle and practice positive self talk to get a better mindset. Jim Kwik specifies a meditative technique to banish negative self talk. “ABRACADABRA” the mantram goes, I create as I think. You can the power it has to shape your world.

Right Mindset

This interactive session was help ful to create positive enviornment and guides an individual to maintain calm and composure in adverse conditions both in work life and personal life.

Audience Review

Everyone felt cheerful and postive after the session. Chanting out slogans and motivational words ended the day with great excitement.